Sunday, March 5, 2017

Code Black…Coffee

Code Black…Coffee

We decided to cut back and have one cup of coffee to start each day. Switching back to the French press device gave us that one great cup of coffee we savored every morning until an episode of “Code Black” broke out in our kitchen.

Our French press sprung an artery and coffee streamed across the counter. We had to apply direct pressure with paper towels before our coffee flat lined. We bandaged up the glass on the French press with packing tape (the only thing available within in the time limit) and had to act fact. That one cup was bleeding out right in front of our blood shot eyes.

Once she was all taped up we were able to add more hot water and press down. We knew it would be for the last time. 

The next day...we purchased The Original French Press. :)

The Original French Press! from Lisa Dolan on Vimeo.

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